Get involved with Didcot Baby Monday
Didcot Baby Monday is run almost entirely on a voluntary basis. As a parent-led community group, we thrive and rely on our attendees getting involved to maintain the welcoming, mother-to-mother peer-support ethos of the group.
The volunteer team arrive a little early to help set up, stay to help clear away, meet and greet on the door, offer round refreshments, and are generally a friendly face to talk to during the session.
You can do whatever feels manageable for you and your little one.
You don't have to come every week or for the full session.
You can help out for the period of your maternity leave, or for as long as you can continue to fit it in around work and family life.
Some of our volunteers also train as breastfeeding or babywearing peer supporters (we can cover the cost of this).
If you are interested in getting involved, we would love to hear from you!
"I volunteer at DBM to support mums as I wanted to be taken care of when I had my little one. I want to make sure that no one has to go through the struggles of breastfeeding, depression and loss of identity without support. I also love to bake and DBM gives me the opportunity to share my passion with the community" Joanna, volunteer baker
"As a stay-at-home-mum, volunteering at DBM has given me independence. I’m able to do something that I care about & enjoy, alongside raising my family. I find it so rewarding to support parents as they start a new chapter of their lives." Kim, Peer Supporter